Over the last 10 years at Swansea Bay Health Board we have developed a new methodology for listening to patients, families and staff in the healthcare and learning from them. You will find more information and example stories at Digital Storytelling The story of how it all evolved is HERE An independent impact report was published 2023. You can read it HERE
Here are some questions storytellers may ask: What is the benefit of telling my story? By listening to your story we can learn what is good and what needs to get better.
How will my story be recorded? A story facilitator will meet with you in person or on a video call and they will help you tell your story and record it.
Who will edit it? The story facilitator will edit the recording in line with what you have said is important to you. You will be able to check the edit before the video is made.
How will the images be chosen? You can choose any images you wish, they can be photographs or drawings.
Who will see my finished story? When you are happy that the digital story is finalised you will be able to choose who sees the story from a list on a consent form. This information will be added to the start of the story so that it is always visible.
Will I be able to withdraw my consent for its use in the future? You will be given a contact so that you can withdraw consent in future. If you ask us to, we will delete the story from all our systems and any internet copies that we have control of.
Will I be able to be anonymous if I choose? Absolutely – there is no need for your name or face to appear in the story – it is your choice.