At the Gathering in Swansea in June 2021 we made these 4 films covering 4 questions We launched the films at an international symposium on zoom on October 18th 2021
Why are stories important?
What happens when I tell my story?
Who chooses which stories are made?
Where do we go from here?
At the Digital Storytelling for Health Symposium we watched each of these films and then had rich discussions around the questions
1 Why are stories important? What is a story? What is the difference between a video made by the communication team and a digital story? 2 What happens when I tell my story? How do we protect against creating second victims in a complaint story? What happens when listeners want to take action that the teller does not want? 3 Who chooses which stories are made? Who owns the story (video) once it is made? What are the pitfalls in ensuring a clear consent process that empowers the teller? 4 Where do we go from here? How are you involved in Digital Storytelling for health? How would you like to be involved? What are your next steps?
The event generated 29 pages of chat containing insights and further questions! This event was jointly funded by Swansea Bay Health Board and NHS England & NHS Improvement
The organisers were: Prue Thimbleby, Arts coordinator Swansea Bay Health Board Emily Underwood-Lee, Associate Professor George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling, University of South Wales Lesley Goodburn, Experience of Care Lead – Provider Improvement at NHS England & NHS Improvement