Background The Arts in Health work began in 2005 with an Arts steering committee and an active member of staff in capital planning running small Arts projects. In 2012 an Arts co-ordinator was appointed as a pilot project. Now there is small team - all the posts are part time or alongside other jobs.
Vision: To incorporate the Arts into everything we do so that patients, their families and staff experience excellent care in excellent surroundings
Values: Caring for each other Working Together Always Improving Aims & Objectives: 1. Experience: To increase people’s wellbeing through facilitating their participation in the Arts
Develop Arts on Prescription projects in Primary and Community Care
Deliver a programme of performance and participatory music across the Health Board
Ensure the Patient & Staff Story programme is effective, sustainable and resourced
2. Environment: To create environments that provide positive experiences for patients and staff
Present Artwork in the hospital spaces to a professional standard to contribute to providing a quality environment.
Ensure Art projects are central to capital schemes (using 1% of budgets for Art) with involvement from patients, staff and the local community
3. Heritage: To celebrate the cultural heritage of SBUHB and use it to improve patient and staff experience
Ensure that our Heritage is preserved, shared and used for patient benefit
4. Sustainability: To create a sustainable Arts programme that is evidence based and has reliabl resourcing
Research, evaluate, develop partnerships, raise grant funding and promote the work widely